Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Things I did in the lock down

hi everyone, Its Madi

and these are some of the things that I did in lock down. here they are.😀😁😁😀,

  I hope you like these photos and video😊😊😊


  1. Lockdown has been so much fun with you and Evie - I love doing out activities together x

  2. Wow! You have certainly kept busy over this time. Your back yard is awesome!

  3. 'Ello! you have been real busy!

  4. Wow, Madi, I thought I had done a lot! What would you say has been your favourite activity? I must say, I have really enjoyed having lots of time to make some nice dinners.

  5. You have been very busy Madi, we are lucky in New Zealand that we have been able to go outside and do things. Did you know that is Spain children were not allowed outside for a long time, then they could only go out for an hour a day!! I wonder what your favourite activities are?


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